Wednesday, November 21, 2012

FLASHBACK! Autumn's Wedding Dress

The problem with trying to maintain a crafting blog during the holiday season is that I'm uber busy making holiday gifts for the people in my life, but those are the same people who primarily read this blog (Hi Mom!), so I can't show you anything I'm currently working on.  January will be filled with posts about all the cool stuff I made, but for now, I've got nothing!  So here's a look back to an old project of mine.  
(I will from time to time, out of laziness or business, just feature old projects I've done, to show off the archive of things made before I started this blog!)  

FLASHBACK!   Autumn's Wedding Dress, Spring 2011

The fabulous Autumn was a friend of a friend, who was referred to me to create a custom wedding dress.  Autumn and I met for happy hour one day to discuss her dress, timeline, and budget.  I had asked her to do some research before hand - hunt through magazines, the internet, whatever, and find pictures.  For example: I like this sleeve, I hate this neckline, I like this but could never pull it off...  I usually ask people to do something like this  when we start a new project so that I can get a feel for their opinions and tastes.  What do they love, what do they hate?   So Autumn had brought a lot of photos, and luckily for me knew for the most part the direction she wanted to go, and the influences she wanted it to have. She described her ideal dress as "David Bowie's Ballerina"and I loved her on the spot.  

I draped the base out of champagne dupioni silk, internally lined with a white satin.  (I don't use patterns - I prefer to create my own designs!)  The exterior was layers of embroidered off-white chiffon, golden tulle, and a champagne sheer voile that were all draped onto the dress shape itself.   We did not want it to look perfect, but neither did we want it to look sloppy.  So while the pieces are uneven, they are not overly jagged.  It poofed and pointed without looking distressed.    

For the belt and lacing we chose a vibrant purple silk to off set the beige tones of the dress, and you can see how well that worked!  She was a gorgeous bride and I seriously wanted to just keep the dress for myself!  

PS - this project got me featured on an AWESOME craft blog: Never a Plain Jane.
Go read it and check out how fabulous Janice is!
If you want to read a little bit more about me, check out the article she wrote:

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