Monday, October 22, 2012

Borg Costume 2012 - sneak peek

I spent my entire weekend working on this year's Halloween costume, and dudes - I am super psyched!  Eric and I are dressing up as the Borg from Star Trek as part of the Austin Comic Con that will be happening the weekend before Halloween.  I have been gathering supplies for a few weeks, and kinda sorta knew what I intended to do, but when I actually started doing it, it amazed me how well it was turning out.  

Sneak peeks?  Oh all right!

Base costume:   
Turn an ordinary black winter vest into robot-wear.


Start with thrift store body armor/sports padding finds, paint them all black, and "Borg" them out.

After all is said and done, I plan to post a step by step guide to my process.  
I plan to keep working long and hard this week to finish Eric's costume, the mechanical arms, and all of the fun details still to come.  I can't wait to show you guys the final product!  

Are you guys feeling the Halloween spirit yet?  
Vader Pumpkin says "may the spooky force be with you!"